Thursday, December 31, 2009

What Do They Say About Great Minds...

If you didn't see it, this Shebly Steele piece is not to be missed (I almost missed it, but thankfully it was flagged by fellow Steele fan, Don Luskin).

Money quote: "Mr. Obama won the presidency by achieving a symbiotic bond with the American people: He would labor not to show himself, and Americans would labor not to see him."

Steele talks of "the sophistication of seeing what isn't there rather than what is." Sounds alot like "delusion", a theme offered up by another great thinker of our modern public discourse...

PS - If you're reading this Luskin, I've been toiling away for five years hoping to attain the rank of Junior Unindicted Counter Co-Conspirator. Can I get my badge already?



Blogger Richard said...

Come on, Don! Award Donny the damn badge already. Granted he doesn't go after Krugman very much, but there are far more important issues worth addressing than Paul Krugman's witless whinings. Besides, no one does that better than you, and no one really takes Krugman seriously anyway.

2:07 PM  

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