Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Obama Orders "Decapitation" Strike

...against Citigroup, AIG, Bank of America, General Motors, and Chrysler. According to this report, Ken Feinberg - the "Pay Czar" - will demand that compensation at bailed out companies be reduced by up to 90% for the top 25 paid employees. This will assuredly cause many of these very valuable and talented executives to quit, thereby hurting their companies and degrading the value of the government's stake in each. But it is not the first time government has undermined its own interests looking to score some cheap points. I can't figure it out. Perhaps Dear Leader thinks that as his poll numbers slide, he has to hang some corporate executives in the public square in order to garner some populist points. With each of these heavy-handed moves, howver, he presses his heel down further on the neck of American business and erodes any sense of optimism or desire to take risk, undermining the economy as a whole. Or maybe he doesn't care, maybe he thinks he's got three plus years to pull himself out of the slide. I don't see it though. I think 10%+ unemployment is in the bag now and we won't see it sub-10% until 2011. Maybe (maybe) some sensible Dems can get him to stop digging, but I doubt it. There ain't any in the top ranks of the party and he apparently still doesn't listen to guys like Volcker (as savvy as Volcker is, he was played like a fiddle during the campaign, lending his credibility to an Obama who had none, only to be shoved in a closet).

Obama is profoundly and disturbingly dangerous to the US economy. Hold on folks, we're in for more tough times ahead.


Blogger Bat One said...

Worse than undermining the government's own intersts, not to mention discouraging the very productivity and accomplishment needed to power our country's economic engine, is the appalling leftist contempt for rules in place far longer than the past 233 years. Specifically, the sanctity of contracts.

Every one of the individuals whose pay Obama would capriciously eviscerate has a detailed employment contract which spells out exactly what salary, benefits, and bonus are available and how they may be earned. If a Wall Street trader or division head earned a $100 million bonus under the terms of his or her employment contract, a contract undoubtedly in place well before Obama took office, then the only one who can abrogate the terms of that contract and rescind the bonus is a judge. The opinions of czar Feinberg, Barack Obama, Chris Dodd, or Joe Sixpack are all irrelevant.

11:29 PM  

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