Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Toss the Tea Overboard, Buy a Ford

It will very soon be official...the federal government, along with its step-child in socialism, the UAW, will own the vast majority of Chrysler and General Motors. At that moment Ford will be the official car of the Tea Party movement. If you want government scaled back, humbled, reduced, chastened, and diminished you can start very simply by voting with your dollars. Buy a Ford. Or at the very least, shun GM and Chrysler products.

I know it is hard to consider because, as taxpayers, we will be on the hook for the disaster that a GM and Chrysler intervention will become anyway, but it is better to be on the hook, have a decent car and have taught the government a lesson than to be on the hook, have a crappy car and have emboldened/endorsed the government's foray into private industry.
UPDATE: Clearly I am not the only one thinking along these lines. Will the t-shirts and bumper stickers be next?


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