Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Nationalized Healthcare = Slave Doctors

I could use the occasion of this article to make some hackneyed joke about the dental health of our friends across the pond, but instead I will use it to bolster my previous point about what nationalized health care means ultimately - coercion. As the article makes plain, the UK government is coercing dentists into unacceptable terms to keep the system aflost and the same would happen here. In fact we already have experience with coercion of doctors having experimented with "managed care." This is what people mean when they say they "have a right to healthcare", they ultimately mean they have a right to enslave healthcare professionals, to tell them what to do. We have no right to healthcare, the ability to provide healthcare is actually somebody else's property, bought and paid for by them. Demanding it for less than it is worth is stealing it. Furthermore, what do we think will happen to the quality of our doctors and healthcare professionals if we start bossing them around and telling them what they must do and must accept?

Britain's healthcare system is a cautionary tale, not an exemplar.


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