Friday, October 27, 2006

The Obama Boomlet

I have to say it. I'm a little sick of all this Barack Obama fawning. (Can a white guy say such a thing in today's day and age? Probably not. Oh well, traffic is traffic, and if it has to be nuts lobbing phony cries of racism rather than interested readers, so be it.) I have nothing against Obama. The guy is probably an above average Sausage Factory Worker but in terms of a presidential candidate, he's a neophyte and probably an overrated neophyte at that, but that's not a personal fault. What I am sick of is the utter phoniness and condescension of the media. If you know media types, you know that the Obama boomlet is the product white guilt-driven, phony multicultural posturing that makes liberals feel good about themselves and superior to the rest of us. Collectively they are saying "Look at me, I'm down with black people!" all the while quite offensively paying the putative compliment that Obama is special because he is "articulate."

Nonetheless I am ready to embrace the Obama boomlet for two reasons. The first reason relates to what is now not happening as result of Obama's new stardom. What is not happening? I'll tell you. Al Sharpton is not happening. The Right Revrun' is off the screens, out of the picture, back on the outer margins of our politics where he belongs. So score a big one for Obama for taking the stage and shoving execrable characters like Sharpton off it.

Second, the Obama boomlet has set the bar lower strictly as it relates to political experience. Political experience is often a shallow substitute for actual merit and anything that lowers the premium on political experience is likely to be a good thing - it opens up the field. So in the MSM spirit of suggesting a black American with relatively little political experience as suitable material for the highest office in the land based on their potential merit and charisma, I have identified the perfect candidate for 2008. He has compiled a true record of achievement in a highly competitive field, he hangs out with Condi, and, best of all, he's quitting his day job just in time for '08. Ladies and gentlemen, the Next President?


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