Monday, October 23, 2006

Government: Kill Your Kids, Not Your Co-workers

Here's another one for the Unintended Consequences File, a smoking ban in Scotland increases sales of cigarettes, which seems to be consistent with evidence from elsewhere. And in a stunning achievement, even for European statist nannies, the smoking bans appear to be shifting health risks from a smoker's co-workers or fellow bar patrons to one's kids.

As I am not one to offer criticism without an alternative, at least most of the time, herewith is the official Now Batting for Pedro Borbon policy proscription for reducing healthcare expenses associated with smoking related disease: make people bear the financial costs of their health-affecting behavior by freeing up markets in healthcare/insurance and drastically reducing government's role in healthcare to a minimum, that of safety net for truly indigent and the uninsurable. The prospect of hefty insurance premiums solely attributable to a smoking habit or a $50,000 tab for emphysema treatment will make people quit smoking alot faster and more effectively than a government ban.


Blogger Tax Shelter said...

Nobody can touch healthcare, that's the political reality today. Most of the baby boomers would vote against anyone who is not for cheap, government subsidized healthcare. My best hope is that we will start healthcare reform in 30 years.

7:57 PM  
Blogger Donny Baseball said...

Wow, TS. That's damn pessimistic. You might be dead on but I prefer to hold out hope, however irrationally, that it will be otherwise. When I am old and gray I hope that some young whiz kid was given the incentive to come up with a cure that'll save my ass or give me that many more years watching the grandkids and regaling them with stories of big Giant wins over Dallas just like tonight. I think most people realize that the miracle cures ain't coming from the I remain an optimist.

12:27 AM  

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