Friday, December 16, 2005

FT joins the Ho Hum Crowd

This theme has been beat, justifiably in my view, like a dead horse all over the blogosphere, but I had to mention the Sighhhhh-worthy treatment of the Iraqi elections by the FT. I unrolled my copy of the FT this morning and read the blaring, bold bazillion point text at the top of the page across numerous collumns..."Bush Backs Down on Torture." Ok, fine. Was that really the biggest news of the day yesterday? Was that a world-historical event worthy of top-billing? Guess so. Lesser events were treated to a smaller font, packed into just one column...
"Vote Sees
Iraqis putting

I guess there was a vote in Iraq or something. Easy to miss givent that votes go on all the time in that part of the world.


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