Friday, December 09, 2005

Economy Blogjamming !!

Over at Pajamas Media's blogjam, another PhD economist makes me feel like an idiot for questioning theory when reality contradits it...

In the post below I suggested that we have a mini Volcker/Reagan thing going on, as pro-gowth tax cuts set us on a course of expansion and tightening monetary policy wards off inflation.

I guess James Hamilton hasn't heard of this Volcker/Reagan thing:

"It doesn't make sense to be trying to stimulate the economy with fiscal policy and contract it with monetary policy."

I'm no PhD-holding professor, but might I suggest that removing accomodation to monetary policy is not a linear notion, to wit raising the fed funds target rate from 2% to 4.5% is alot different than raising it 250 bps starting at a higher level, say from 5.5% to 8% ??

We've had rates go up, what, 12 times, and a 30 year fixed is under 6.5%? For a PhD, Hamilton's thinking seems awfully rigid to me. Ah, what do I know.

P.S. Although another PhD economist makes me look smart by reiterating my thoughts about Iran.


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