Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Prediction: Glenn Hubbard Will Briefly Be MSM Darling

Former CEA Chairman, R. Glenn Hubbard (currently dean of the best business school in the country, nay, WORLD) made a very sensible, very specific criticism of the expansion of Medicare that his former boss, George W. Bush, pushed for and signed into law. Bet the ranch that the MSM will pounce on this and put forth the meme that not even former key Bush aides support the President's economic policies. They will expand this narrow criticism to encompass Bush's entire economic program, especially tax cuts, completely ignoring both Hubbard's and Mankiw's unqualified support for the 2003 tax cuts. Hubbard will briefly go from right-wing hack to 'principled' or some such laudatory label, until of course the MSM realizes that the substance of Hubbard's comments were critical of entitlement expansion and contrary to the notion of nationalized healthcare. Then he'll be a right-wing hack again. The roundtrip should take 1-2 months.


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