Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Can't Someone Arrange a Meeting...

...between Bono and Hernando de Soto?

I attended the U2 concert at MSG on Monday night and Bono was, as he is admirably known to do, pushing anti-poverty efforts hard. I had pretty cheap seats (metaphorically speaking, more accurately they were far-removed seats and not at all cheap) so I wasn't close enough to pelt him in the melon with this book (and I don't normally make a habit of bringing great works in the field of economics to rock concerts).

I believe that de Soto's book will one day prove as important and be as revered as Hayek's The Road to Serfdom. Hayek got little in the way of recognition throughout his career, but decades later we can say, as Thomas Sowell put it, "the world was wrong and Hayek was right." Sooner rather than later, I hope we can say "while the world mounted countless ineffectual campaigns to eradicate poverty over the years, de Soto had the answer the whole bloody time."


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