Alaskans Can Be Proud...
...their congressional delegation is not only adept at Grand Larceny but also petty theft.
Given that Alaska has $30 odd billion in the bank thanks to their oil wealth, it would take them about 3.5 hours to earn the interest to pay for this flying salmon. The average US household, making $50,000 a year, pays roughly 16% of their income to the federal government. So in crude terms, it would take SIXTY-SIX YEARS for the income of taxes of an average US household to pay for the "Salmon-Thirty-Salmon".
Thank you Don Young, Ted Stevens, and whichever member of the Murkowski family is currently occupying a Senate seat for Alaska! You may have to stop soon though, the rest of America is getting a little sore down there.
Given that Alaska has $30 odd billion in the bank thanks to their oil wealth, it would take them about 3.5 hours to earn the interest to pay for this flying salmon. The average US household, making $50,000 a year, pays roughly 16% of their income to the federal government. So in crude terms, it would take SIXTY-SIX YEARS for the income of taxes of an average US household to pay for the "Salmon-Thirty-Salmon".
Thank you Don Young, Ted Stevens, and whichever member of the Murkowski family is currently occupying a Senate seat for Alaska! You may have to stop soon though, the rest of America is getting a little sore down there.
I can't get excited about anything that Cohen writes, even if it is a little Stevens bashing. I don't think he knows what he is talking about most of the time.
Over at I've been tracking Uncle Ted's fiscal exploits (pun intended) recently but did't think the Salmon-Thirty-Salmon was worth commenting on due to the small quantity of money involved. A few million here or there is pretty small stuff for Alaska. Uncle Ted and Uncle Don prefer to work with billions instead. Witness our bridges which involve about 3/4 of a billion federal dollars. In spite of the fact that our state currently has a surplus of hundreds of millions of dollars due to high oil prices.
Like a billionaire that will still pick up pennies and dimes off the sidewalk, seems to me that Uncles Ted and Don go after ANY dollars, large or small.
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