Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Ankle Bracelet Wearing Sex Offenders Do Some Murdering

Don't worry, the authorities will protect you.
"Murder, rape suspects wore GPS ankle bracelets during crime spree"
Hey, now would be a good time for a refresher course on the case law precedents regarding the government's duty to protect you - short answer, there is no such duty.
“… a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any particular individual citizen.”
That is from Warren v. District of Columbia (1981).  BTW, don't ever read the details of that case over a bowl of Cheerios or any foodstuffs for that matter.  Oh, and for fun, how about another, related case.  This one is McKee v. City of Rockwall.
 There is no constitutional violation when the "most that can be said of ... state functionaries ... is that they stood by and did nothing when suspicious circumstances dictated a more active role."


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