Lightworker With Second Incredibly Lame Economic Initiative In As Many Weeks
The Lightworker has announced two of the lamest economic proposals in the history of the republic in as many weeks. Last week was the laughable "Promise Zones", today comes "manufacturing innovation institutes." I can guarantee you, that whatever these institutes are slated to do, there are already numerous existing entities already doing it. This will have zero impact on jobs and the economy. Zero.
Dear Leader has beaten the economy into a pulp and now has absolutely nothing to offer, either though ignorance, ideology or simply lack of desire to do anything. There is a glimmer of hope in this utter surrender. It means that Obama is marginal to the economy, to which we were always trending, but it is good news that we've arrived there.
Dear Leader has beaten the economy into a pulp and now has absolutely nothing to offer, either though ignorance, ideology or simply lack of desire to do anything. There is a glimmer of hope in this utter surrender. It means that Obama is marginal to the economy, to which we were always trending, but it is good news that we've arrived there.
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