Thursday, December 05, 2013

Income Inequality...Again...Sigh

I told you in 2011 exactly how the Obamacrats were creating a more unequal society economically speaking.  It might have been by design and through malice or it might have been through well-intentioned ignorance.  I doubt we will ever know, but the recipe was easy to read, the outcome was never in doubt.

Now that Obama is decrying income inequality yet again, people are starting to put the blame where it ought to be.

Income inequality is a subject that is discussed without a shred of nuance and sophistication these days.  It is used to lend a nice-sounding quasi-philosophical veneer to the same old wealth redistribution policies of the left.  But just a quick few takeaways on income inequality that I have discussed at length here before...

- "Income Inequality" isn't good, but it is better than "poverty."  Relatively speaking we don't have poverty in this country to any meaningful extent.  So, income inequality is a high class problem.

- "Income inequality" is a political problem, not an economic one.  A thriving economy tends to reduce income inequality, but reducing income inequality does not spur the economy.  Leftward politicians tell us that it is an economic problem, but they tell us alot of asinine stuff.

- While "income inequality" is a political problem, it is not a political mandate.  "All men are created equal" does not mean that 'all men must earn the same.'  Equality of economic outcomes is not a founding principle of our republic.  We did not fight a civil war over salary gaps, and we have not asserted ourselves on the world stage over the Gini Coefficient.  American values do not dictate income leveling, they dictate opportunity leveling and liberty extension and preservation.

UPDATE:  Here is a riff on point number one above (and here was my previous take).  In America, most of our poor peoples' problems are that they are too fat and watch too much TV.  These are first world problems.


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