Friday, November 01, 2013

Lightworker: Prepare for the Global Warming that Isn't Happening, Or Else

The science, which lefties are now happy to ignore, says that the Earth's surface temperatures haven't risen in 17 years despite significant increases in greenhouse gas emissions.  Furthermore, Obama is now at his low ebb of popularity and power.

So what does he do?  Issue executive orders relating to "climate change" that represent a massive usurpation of power that properly belongs to Congress.

Read Dan Henninger's column of this past Thursday.  This is government by cramdown.  Don't like it? Tough shit.  I won.  Tripartite government?  Tough shit.  I'm the President.

It no longer suffices to point out that if a Republican acted this way, the media would rain down oceans of very public, loud and noisy angst over the impending right wing tyranny.

It suffices to resist.

The functional equivalent to MOLON LABE in reference to over-reaching environmental regulation is in order.


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