Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Let's Call A Liberal Institution A Liberal Institution

Let's argue from elementary principals even though the argument will never be accepted on elementary principals; it'll be horned into Lakoff's phony theory of mean conservatives versus nurturing liberals.

So let's go.  ObamaCare is a massive income redistribution mechanism, so says Max Baucus in a moment of candor.  Blacks will be the overwhelming beneficiaries of this income redistribution that we call ObamaCare.  So when Romney says that he wishes to repeal ObamaCare, he says that he wishes to halt a massive income redistribution scheme towards blacks.  Is there any wonder they, the NAACP - a fervently pro-income redistribution group - would boo this policy proposal?  Of course not.

What is left unreported and unanalyzed is how unemployment, the result of poor economic growth - affects the black community.  One could argue that what they will gain from ObamaCare is easily negated by what they lose due to unemployment and low wages resulting from a lack of economic growth.  Romney tried to convey this message, but you can be 100% sure that it didn't register and that the media won't report the nuance.

Am I saying that the NAACP is incapable of parsing this nuanced message? Yes, I am.  Notice I am not saying that black Americans are not capable of parsing this message.  Not at all.  Just the NAACP.

It was good that Romney spoke to the NAACP, but let's face was a waste of time.


Blogger Richard said...

"One could argue that what they will gain from ObamaCare is easily negated by what they lose due to unemployment and low wages resulting from a lack of economic growth."
Irrelevant when the organization in question is content for its members to spend their lives feeding on the federal tit instead of feeding themselves and their families.

2:21 PM  

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