Thursday, July 05, 2012

Bloomberg Resorts to "Hidden Hunger" To Bash "Austerity"

Remember I said that the media would be all over the cruel and savage "austerity" that they will claim is plunging European governments back into recession.  I said the UK would come in for particularly brutal criticism by virtue of having a Conservative government.  Well, Bloomberg News lends a helping hand to the meme today with a heart-string tugging attack on austerity in Britain that is suspiciously without any data or perspective, and adds a nice touch with something called "hidden hunger."  Yep, it's hidden so you can't see it, but trust us...

Why no numbers?  Because if they gave you the numbers, you'd see that austerity is a myth, not just in Britain but all across Europe.  The Euros have put the spending binge in neutral and have maintained spending at ridiculously profligate levels, only reining in the growth of government largesse.  And this is what all the lefty caterwauling is about, the lack of more and more government spending.  So all the sob stories you here are of people suffering because the government isn't giving them more of what they've been getting for years, money that the governments have never had.


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