Friday, January 20, 2012

I'm a Better "Tax Avoider" Than Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney didn't avoid ANY US taxes by virtue of participating in Cayman Island-domiciled investment partnerships.


Why the hell not? When you read things like this and we have Solyndra and California's High Speed Rail idiocy and the zillions of other laugh/cry examples of expensive government idiocy - all of which are paid for by you and me by coercion - how can you NOT want to resist getting fleeced for this stuff and attempt to avoid a little taxes? I do and you can too. Why didn't Romney? Is he a piker or did he perhaps know that he would be running for POTUS one day and our media are a bunch of lefty apparatchik hacks?? Ponying up every last dollar possible to fund these dimwits' blithering nonsense is pure pikerism if you ask me.


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