Friday, December 23, 2011

Republicans Ignore Uncle Milty At Their Peril

Apparently, Republicans botched the payroll tax politics. Sure, I guess. The WSJ had it right that they made the Lightworker appear to be a tax cutter, which is one mean feat. Fine, but is anybody who is paying attention really believe that Dear Leader is a tax-cutter?? Anywho...while I think that Boehner's point was worth making a stand on - two-month tax policy is the height of idiocy - and the Tea Party types in the House were right to want more spending cuts, clearly somehow, something went amiss.

And I know why. The Republicans failed to follow Uncle Milty's Axiom:
"I am in favor of cutting taxes under any circumstances and for any excuse, for any reason, whenever it's possible."
Two months? Dumb. Creates jobs? Not a chance. Harry Reid wants it? 'Nuff said. Still, they should have asked themselves "Does it pass the Uncle Milty test?" They didn't and it bit them in the arse. It's dumb, it's a waste of time, it won't create jobs, it further imperils the bankrupt Ponzi scheme we call Social Security, and it came from Harry Reid's Senate. Not an illustrious piece of legislation to be sure. BUT IT IS A TAX keeps money out of the hands of the government, full stop as they say.

Next time guys, use the Milton Freidman Test.


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