Thursday, January 27, 2011

File Under "Eye Off the Ball Just a Tad"

I don't know how I got on the email list that blasted out the wonderful news of "Sustainatopia 2011" which appears to be some sort of eco-investing confab touting alot of mushy green stuff. But this really caught my eye, apparently one of the topics or focus areas is "Building a Sustainable Haiti." I kid you not, they want to build a sustainable Haiti. Here's another idea. How about building a Not-Totally-F**king-Miserable Haiti?? Baby steps people. Let's build something that is not a complete cesspool of misery and human suffering achieved through human failure and lack of civilizational norms. Let's do that and then worry about Haiti's carbon footprint or planetary impact or whatever. The organically farmed casavas can come later.


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