Friday, January 07, 2011

Abortion in NYC

Wow, 41% of pregnancies. I'll be honest with you, I don't feel passionate about this issue. I am unabashedly a celebrator of life, but I'm not sure that requires me to be autocratic about our laws that effect people otherly situated than myself. So rather than a particular outcome, what I want more than anything when it comes to the abortion debate in this country is honesty. Just an absence of bullshit is all I ask. I want people to dump the inane platitudes and speak forthrightly and true. First order of business, let's just call abortion what it is...birth control, primarily for poorer, younger, generally minority, women. Let's dispense with all the rubbish about empowerment of women, the vaunted right to choose putatively enshrined in the Constitution, and just called it what is - birth control - and argue that despite its oftentimes guesomeness, it is a birth control option that should be available to women. Stop cloaking it in nobility. We're the only people on Earth that gussy it up and dance around the cold reality. The Russians, serial aborters to be sure, don't spout gobbledygook about privacy or empowerment, they call it what it is...birth control. If we dispense with the bullshit then we can dispense with the illogic that enters into the, if it's so damn empowering why do even proponents desire that it be "rare". If you believe that it is empowering, you should advocate aborting with abandon and these stats out of New York City should jazz you up. You should be like, "Awesome! 41% of pregnant women have had the empowering experience of exercising a woman's constitutional right to abortion! Only 59% more to go!" Or you could call it what it is and the national debate might actually be productive.


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