Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Moratorium Smackdown

Wow. I didn't expect this. The ruling is a devastastng blow to Dear Leader. He made a bad decision on the moratorium and now it appears that he did so outside the confines of the law. The fact that an entire region is now breathing a sigh relief - that they only have one, not two, disasters to deal with - at the hands of a judge should be highly embarrassing to the Obama administration. This is an unambiguous defeat, but the only thing worse than having maneuvered into this spot, would be if the administration appeals the ruling. It would be the most politically tone-deaf move they could make, waging a bloody-minded legal battle to put people out of work, with the oil gushing all the while. But I wouldn't put it past them. Final note, this is assuredly a big win for Bobby Jindal, this was a gamble and he won.

UPDATE: OH MY GOD! So dumb. And so quick to come back with a promise to appeal too...from our putatively deliberative, thoughtful, careful policy powerhouse of an executive!


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