Monday, June 21, 2010

Clueless Liberal Media Editorializing of the Day

From Al Hunt's incorrigibly biased minions at Bloomberg News:
"A year after criticizing U.S. fiscal policy as “irresponsible,” China’s leaders are showing increasing confidence in President Barack Obama’s leadership of the American economy.

China boosted holdings of Treasury notes and bonds by 2.6 percent to $900.2 billion in March and April, after reducing its stake by 6.5 percent from November through February, the longest consecutive monthly declines in a decade, U.S. data released June 15 showed."

This is egregiously wrong. The Chinese have either no opinion of Obama's handling of the US economy or have a negative one (still). A small blip up in US government debt holdings over one month is less than meaningless and in no way, shape, or form indicates Chinese confidence in Obama's leadership. Chinese holdings of US debt are driven by short term economic and political imperatives and their short term movements indicate nothing other than those imperatives. The Bloomberg writer here is simply projecting their own wishful thinking onto the recent data. This level of cluelessness and bias is journalistic malpractice.


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