Friday, June 04, 2010

Lackluster Jobs Number Totally Predictable

I've been telling you all about this for some time now...businesses are not hiring. US companies are hiding in the bunker scared shitless over what Obama and the Pelosicrats have done and can still do to them. And where there is some business to do and money to make, they are hiring temp workers or paying overtime, not taking on full time employees out of a combination of that fear and also a little disgust frankly.


Blogger Richard said...

For those of us who know that free market capitalism IS the best path to prosperity, there is some good news implicit in today's unemployment report. Of the 431,000 jobs reportedly created, over 90% were temporary government jobs related to the census. Those jobs will expire later this year in September and October, once more raising the unemployment rate... just in time for the November election.

2:07 PM  

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