Monday, March 01, 2010

Buffett Subtly: Strike Three On Obama

Chalk this one up as Warren Buffett's third swipe at the Obama administration's policy efforts. See also strikes one and two. While Warren's political savvy has been rightly questioned, one thing is for sure, you can't trade on Warren's credibility and get away with it for long if Warren doesn't want you to. The Oracle is clearly cutting Obama off from that well.

I stand by my analysis that Obama abusively borrowed the credibility of the (gullible isn't the word, but something quite close) ready to be influenced Buffett and Volcker for the purposes of the election. By all accounts both men are attempting to claw their credibility back gradually over the past year, albeit in their respective gentlmanly ways.


Blogger Richard said...


Of course you are right about Mr. Buffett, though I'm not so sure about Volker whose credibility would certainly be enhanced if he first distanced himself from OBama BEFORE offering his "plan" for the country's banking system.

But I'm struck by the fact that it is only on the site of an admittedly "greedy" free-market conservative that the notion of gentlemanliness suggested. Bravo!

A "progressive" would have no earthly idea what you're talking about.

3:24 PM  

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