Thursday, February 25, 2010

Obama Needs Finance 101

President Obama doesn't understand what insurance is (maybe he learned about it from Anthony Weiner). POTUS thinks that catatrophic insurance isn't really insurance but that comprehensive insurance is. He's 180 degrees wrong. Comprehensive insurance is actually 'pre-paid healthcare consumption', where you send your money to an insurance company and they hold on to it until you get medical services and then they pay for it. (Note, this is imbedded in liberal thinking, their tax rebate logic worked like this - you work, we tax you, we give you some money back and that creates jobs, but if we never take the money in the first place, well, that doesn't create jobs.) But I digress...catastrophic insurance is real insurance, just like life insurance (term life), auto insurance, fire insurance, etc.

So here again I am faced with the choice of how to interpret this - either Obama is dumb or lying. Clearly he is not dumb, so I have to recast my choices he's lying or he's "an intelligent liberal" meaning, "it's not that he doesn't know anything, he knows alot in fact, but that what he knows is wrong." Hard to say, it's a toss up.

UPDATE: But he is the President, got that, he's the President.

UPPDATE: Wow, if Wolf Blitzer and David "Kennedy Seat" Gergen are saying the Republicans brought their A-game, you can bet it is a rout and Pelosi & Reid and Obama are going to be steamed...

UPPPDATE: Apparently The One didn't like getting schooled by Paul Ryan, so he treated us the now infamous Lightworker Middle Finger!


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