Thursday, January 07, 2010

Getting Uglier

This is bad for TurboTax Timmy. Very bad. Put TT Tim under the same cloud now as Janet Napolitano.

While we are on the subject of cratering credibility...we're going to get one hour of actual open debate on the ObamaCare debacle? One hour? Plus, it was another Bertha Lewis, and another Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and Malik Shabazz?? Do they think we are stupid? That answers itself.

I suspect "bunker stupidity" is starting to set in. When a group is constantly besieged with problems, criticism and exploding mini-crises that call into question its credibility, it is very hard to stay calm and work through the thicket rationally as the pressure mounts to work quickly and "do something". This leads to doing stupid things. This happened to the Bush administration and I think this is what is happening now within the Obama administration. They didn't bring much game to begin with, but now they are knocked off even that. It's getting ugly.


Blogger Richard said...

There's story about, elsewhere reported and commented on, that Dorgan is going to be offered "an appointment" at Treasury. Could be more inference that Tim, like Larry Summers, is on his way out?

"Bunker stupidity" may prove to be an unwarranted understatement.

12:02 PM  
Blogger Donny Baseball said...

I speak of "bunker stupidity" as a trajectory, not a starting point. So I am not implying that they are going from smart to stupid, just that from wherever they were, they are rapidly degenerating. My opinion, though, is clearly they were starting out at "rank amateurishness" and going downhill from there. Needless to say, not ideal for the country.

12:11 PM  

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