Monday, August 31, 2009

Odds Are Copenhagen Is Already a Bust

Todd Stern, US State Department Special Envoy on Climate Change, seems to think that the US and China can strike some totally awesome global warming deal in Copenhagen - the next big global confab of enviro-bureaucrats and busybodies - thereby getting the whole world on board for fighting global warming, sorry climate change. In other news, China is plunking down $1.7 billion and unknown future sums for access to one of the least enviro-acceptable hydrocarbons, Canadian tar sands. Oh, and don't forget all that drilling the Chinese are doing right at home.

Governments around the world are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on developing hydrocarbon resources, Africa wants bribes, India has said 'eat me poseurs,' and yet globo-ninnies like Stern are still trying to put a good face on Copenhagen. The world has just seen what it looks like when everyone stops consuming as much oil, and most countries don't like what they've seen. Give the Toddster points for optimism.


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