Friday, January 16, 2009

Re President George: "...Totally Destitute of Merit..."

"His military and political character was attacked with equal violence; and it was averred that he was totally destitute of merit, either as a soldier or a statesman. The calumnies with which he was assailed were not confined to his public conduct, even his qualities as a man were the subjects of detraction. That he had violated the Constitution...was openly maintained , for which an impeachment was publicly suggested; and that he had drawn from the Treasury for his private use , more than the salary annexed to his office, was asserted without blush."

Which President was smeared and dragged through the mud in such a vicious display of partisan enmity? Well, yes, George W. Bush was, but that is not the President referred to here. The President that was on the receiving end of such vicious attack was another George. George Washington. It would seem that no matter what your achievements in life, regardless of legitimate differences, you are not immune to slander.

Unfortunately, a keen understanding of history and , more crucially, an historical perspective is lacking in our society. As George W. Bush leaves it for the historians to sort out, it would seem he has the deck stacked against him. Modern scribblers are universally inclined to leave posterity with a negative view of the man and his achievements. But it has always been thus. Fortunately history can delve and deliberate and vindicate Great Men from the narrowness of their age.

The ultimate example is George Washington. It goes without question that this man was a remarkable figure, a towering example of talent married with dedication and principle focused directly on an upright cause - our incipient nation. But what did the opposition, comfortable in the newfound safety of our young nation, heap upon Washington after a few years of familiarity? Scorn. As chronicled in his biography by John Marshall (exerpted above), they assailed his character, accused him of stealing public money, and of shredding the Constitution. And they called for his impeachment.

Is George W. Bush akin to George Washington? I would say no as an American, but an Iraqi might have a different opinion. The history of Washington is proof that the judgments of contemporary observers, fed by a rabid opposition, often bear no relation to how posterity views the contributions of great leaders.


Blogger Donny Baseball said...

Thank you for the nice message. Regretably I can't post as frequently or as regularly as I would like. My time and inspiration comes in fits and starts! But keep checking in!
Donny B

10:43 PM  

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