Friday, May 16, 2008

Rep. Tom Davis Has It Exactly Backwards

Tom Davis, apparently a very important Republican Sausage Factory Worker feels that Republicans must separate from George W. Bush, who he dubs as "radioactive." Davis is clueless. The Republican Party's basic problem is they have broadly abandoned their principles in a stunningly self-imposed destructive spiral downward. No one man could possibly achieve the level of cluelessness, denial, and cynicsm that has been the cause of Republican woes. It took a village...of idiots. Top of my list on this roster...Don Young. Young is the poster child for the unrepentant, entitlement-mentality that drives excessive, corrupt and rapacious raiding of taxpayer dollars for self-aggrandizement and personal incumbancy. Add to the list every member that defended and/or voted for any of Don Young's spending orgies (and given cover by asinine statements like Tom DeLay's declaration that all waste had been eliminated) and voted down Jeff Flake's courageous attempts to pull the party back from the ledge. Also, high on the list, squishy Senators like George "Cry Me A River" Voinovich, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Spector, and Lindsay Graham. Of course, there's the adolescent minds walking around in the bodies of putative adults, such as Mark Foley and Larry Craig. Oh, don't forget the outright crooks like Duke Cunningham.

Drilling in ANWR. The Republican dominated Sausage Factory couldn't push that through. Tax cuts. I've enjoyed them, but they're expiring thanks to their squishiness. Now they're scrambling to bail out people who made bad home-buying decisions. Still (still!) you want to spend billions on obnoxiously inefficient and distortionary farm and energy bills. All the while resisting any and every attempt to hold themselves to basic standards of accountability and transparency. Well, the ultimate accountability mechanism is in the offing - getting booted from office.

I, and many others like me, have been and would be 'money in the bank' votes for Republicans this November if it weren't for the embarrassing and frustrating Republican congress of the last 10 years. These Republicans have sawed off the small government leg of the stool that Reagan built. If I could "hit replay" and redo the last eight years with either George W. Bush or the Republican congress, I'd cashier the bozos in the Sausage Factory and keep GWB. Got that, Rep. Davis? Your buck passing and finger-pointing over your upcoming electoral prospects is perfectly apt for the cluelessness and detachment with which you have conducted yourselves over the years. I hope you lose. I hope many more Republicans lose. There is no resurrecting the small government, pro-growth, free-trade agenda with you and your ilk running the GOP.

UPDATE: If you want to know what I mean, check out this exchange. Larry Kudlow hits with some hard questions and just listen (read) to the meely-mouthed, weasel act that Rep. Eric Cantor puts out. Atrocious.

MORE: Here and , especially, here.


Blogger Tax Shelter said...

I am surprised that I didn't see this earlier, but there is no difference between the GOP and Dems. They are all bad. The sentiment of the electorate is more important than which party is in office. And right now, it looks like the electorate wants more security from our government. It's going to be nasty.

9:08 PM  

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