Friday, February 23, 2007

Did He or Didn't He?

The bad thing about the study of history is that an accurate picture of events often never emerges for a long time, well after it's too late for actual people whose lives may be destroyed or made substantially worse. It'll be a long time before we know exactly what happened with the 2004 recall referendum in Venezuela that kept Hugo Chavez in power, but this is certainly interesting and it lends some scientific rigor to the numerous anecdotal claims of an essentially stolen election. Of course this ought to be carefully weighed against counter evidence, but the nature of the Chavez regime and the world's historical experience with violently aggressive socialist movements ought to encourage us to pursue these claims and review this evidence very seriously.

Alas, by time we ever figure out what happened, Venezuelans will be vastly poorer and many may have their lives ruined or ended to extend and preserve Chavez's messianic socialist crusade. If indeed the 2004 referendum, and/or the recent election, was rigged, I will amend my view that Venezuelans deserve what they have unleashed, but that will hardly matter to Venezuelans whose nation has been stolen and who will have had to suffer.


Blogger Tax Shelter said...

Yes the story is odd. Geffen would appear to be playing bad chess, presuming he wants a Dem in the White House. Obama has no shot, so scuppering HRC, who has a shot, makes it incredibly easy for the Republicans. That is why there will be a very public reconciliation between Geffenites and Clintonites well before the general election. These people are not stupid, they are just doing a little smacking around early when it doesn't register at all on the electorate but registers on the candidates quite a bit.

Can you give us a little more color on your comment with regard to Geffen? Are you saying Geffen is doing this just so he can dump Obama later in order to get something from the Clintons?

6:14 PM  
Blogger Donny Baseball said...

I just think Geffen is playin ghard to get and looking to get the Clintons undivided attention for some reason. Throwing money at Obama is like burning it.

9:55 AM  

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