Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Blogging Immortality Here I Come

Dear Readers,
I had a great Christmas break (thank you for asking) loading up on trans fats in our beloved heartland where you are still free to do to yourself what you please. Since getting back to NYC however, blogging has been light because I've been busy in the 'bringing home the bacon for Mrs. Baseball and the Baseball chillun' department. Consequently my traffic numbers have stunk. So in an effort to get the numbers back on track (50 page hits per day baby!) I am promising a stunning, world-beating, must-experience experience next week. OK, let me qualify that. It will be stunning, world-beating and must-experience if and only if you are a pro-capitalist, economics geek. That's right ladies and germs, Now Batting for Pedro Borbon will live-blog, or, at the very least, really-soon-after-blog a fabulous event of great interest featuring a figure of great prominence. That's all I can say for now, 'cept "Steve Jobs ain't got nothin' on me!!"
Donny Baseball


Blogger Tax Shelter said...

really-soon-after what? give us some more hints.

8:16 AM  

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