Monday, December 16, 2013

Who's Crazy Now?

After Newtown, when NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre suggested that gun-free zones were the problem and that we ought to protect our children the same way we protect our airports, stadiums, etc., he was roundly denounced as a crazy man along with receiving the full onslaught of typical leftist response:  ShutUpRacistWhiteGuyAndShutUp.

Scoring a trifecta of #NarrativeFails, the Arapahoe (CO), High School shooter was confronted by an armed security officer and gave up the quest and the ghost.
In Colorado, high school student Karl Pierson was suspended for threatening to murder his debate coach. It turns out they should have arrested him, not just suspended him. Pierson wasn’t kidding. He showed up at Arapahoe High School with a shotgun, looking for the coach, and shot a fellow student, critically wounding her. The incident didn’t turn into mass murder, even though Pierson was armed with a shotgun, a machete and three Molotov cocktails, apparently because there was an armed deputy sheriff stationed at the high school. When the first shotgun blast went off, the deputy sheriff raced to the scene and, reportedly, “the heavily-armed shooter realized he was about to be confronted by an armed officer, and he took his own life.”
Who's crazy now?


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