Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Oklahoma Thrill Kill

Barack Obama would not have had a son that looked like this kid, so nothing to see here...

...although, if you are interested, the details here are truly appalling compared to the Travesty Martin spectacle.

Also, I see that some Aussies are lamenting the role of guns here.  This is not a gun issue, this is an issue of a decrepit and amoral youth underclass.


UPPDATE:  The WSJ weighs in with exactly the right analysis - the story here is what is NOT happening.
There was no saturation cable TV coverage, no press conference featuring Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, and no statement from the Oval Office. The death of Christopher Lane, while as troubling as that of Trayvon Martin, will not become a national touchstone of racial and cultural debate or reflection.
Plus, there is the gun.  Here is the hard to swallow truth - it is easy to blame the gun, but it is difficult, painfully so, to confront a generation completely drained of any moral bearing.

...it would almost be a relief if we could blame such a murder on guns. Then we wouldn't have to focus on a culture that produces teenagers for whom the prospect of shooting an innocent man in the back on a Friday evening apparently raised not a scintilla of conscience. That is the deeper tragedy, and the real scandal, of too much of American life.
Difficult truths are hard to admit and easy answers are always more appealing.


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