Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Private Sector Looks to Profit Where Public Sector Fails

Anytime there is a real problem to be solved, private enterprise usually provides a solution.  In the instances where there are competitive solutions from the private sector and the public sector, the private solution is usually quicker, better, and cheaper than the government solution.  Case in point is maritime piracy, which is a scourge as old as seafaring itself but newly resurgent in the wake of a global epidemic of namby-pambiness and which costs global consumers $7 billion annually.  There is an age-old solution to this age-old problem.  There is even an effective stop-gap measure to contain but not eradicate the problem.  However both of these solutions doesn't meet with the very modern sensibilities of some market participants, thus the market need for non-lethal piracy deterrence.  As such the the navies of the world have been patrolling piracy-ravaged sea routes at enormous expense and have not been effective - piracy still occurs just outside the reach of international naval forces' watch or it has moved elsewhere. Ineffectiveness at enormous cost is an unsustainable solution, so one would expect a private sector solution to emerge, and perhaps it has...call this filling the namby-pamby market niche.


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