Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Hey, About That First 2013 Paycheck...

Apparently businesses are finding it hard to explain to employees their smaller paychecks.

Everyone's paycheck is about to take a hit, and it's not the boss' fault. But some business owners say it's a tough talk to have.

The rate of workers' payroll taxes, which fund Social Security, has been 4.2% for the past two years. As of Jan. 1, it's back to 6.2%, on the first $113,700 in wages.

That forced Mike Brey, who owns four Hobby Works shops near Washington, D.C., to notify his store managers about the upcoming change during a conference call Monday. He called the experience uncomfortable. "These are the people who can least afford it," Brey said.
The conversation shouldn't be hard at all.  It should go something like this:
Employee:  "Boss, I don't like my new, lower paycheck."

Boss:  "Tough shit.  You and your countrymen voted for this.  We had the chance to elect a successful, pro-business candidate and we opted to re-elect a deeply anti-business, closet socialist.  We warned you.  So quit your whining and suck it!"

Not hard at all.


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