Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Obama's "Other Race" Speech Incredibly Damning...for Media

I can't get worked up over the content of the Lightworker's Hampton speech, revealed by The Daily Caller and Fox News yesterday.  The notion that Dear Leader is a radical, redistributionist, race-mongerer is not particularly shocking to me, or any of those who were paying attention.  (Actually, what is shocking is that he has such a low opinion of his racial brethren.  Maybe this is the white half of him talking.)
In addition, Obama insisted, we need a series of new federal programs, including one to teach punctuality to the poor:
We can’t expect them to have all the skills they need to work. They may need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for work on time, how to wear the right clothes, how to act appropriately in an office. We have to help them get there.
What is shocking is that this speech was delivered when the Lightworker was already a candidate for the Presidency of the United States.  So how in the hell is this the first that anybody has seen of it?  How in HELL? A candidate for POTUS gives a speech at a university and it doesn't even go down the memory hole, it never even sees the light of day.  ?????????  

Before I internalized this fact, I thought Roger Simon at PJ Media was a tad over the top with his "Media Coup d'Etat" theme.  Now, I think he maybe understates the case.


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