Friday, July 20, 2012

What Really Shocks Us About Aurora...Really?

Hey folks, just a reminder that only 4 more people died in that movie theatre in Aurora than died in the last 10 days in Camden, NJ.  At that rate, the death toll in Camden will match the Aurora massacre by Tuesday of next week.

Not to belittle the tragedy but let's be brutally honest about what is so shocking about Aurora:
- Sheer number of dead and wounded in one location
- White killer
- White victims

Don't get all outraged on me.  If I told you that 12 people died in Camden, you'd shrug.  What gets us worked up about this and what makes it a national story and a 24-hour gnashing of teeth is not the guns, not the deaths, but that it is so outside of our expectations of who kills, who dies and where.


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