Tuesday, May 22, 2012

They Don't Call It The NY Crimes For Nuthin'

I just had this conversation with someone the other day.  I mentioned that I don't read the NY Times and they were in disbelief and asked why, so I gave my stock answer "for the same reason I don't drive a Chevy, it's a mediocre product."  Sure enough, case in point.  When it's not Jason Blair or Abu Ghraib on the cover for two months straight, it's plucking obscure lefty weirdos out of nowhere to slander free enterprise by using phony academic studies and/or lying about said studies...

UPDATE:  which is why I've never heard of Charles Blow.  Perhaps because he's so irrelevant that the right-o-sphere doesn't even engage him, even if only to mock, ala Krugman/Dowd/Nocera/Brooks/Friedman.  Anyway, I've googled him...he's the new Bob Herbert, I guess, in the exquisitely engineered diversity of the NY Crimes Op-Ed Page.


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