On Palin
Yes, I know that's the news that everybody was waiting for -- but what interested me most was what Palin said about her vision for America and how she said it. It was crafted very intentionally --and it was simply pitch-perfect.
Palin spoke of ideas and priorities. These were above and beyond what pa
rticular position she -- or anyone else -- might play in our arena of ideas. That she's still very much in the arena -- and planning on making a difference -- is obvious.
In her written statement -- and her immediate follow-up interview with Levin -- she made it clear what was important. Saving the country is all that matters, and the first step required for that task is to totally reverse our current course. Of course, that includes removal of the current occupant in the White House.
Hmmmm. Does any of that sound like this:
She's going to do what nobody has really ever done, she's going to defeat a sitting President...without running for President herself.The genius at the AT posted that today. I posted my analysis back in May. Palin is an out-of-the-box thinker, a guerrilla politician, and you can only understand her if you are a guerrilla thinker. Not many guerrilla thinkers in the MSM, which is why they were, are, and will continue to be flummoxed by her. Just watch, she will have a decisive role in the elections of 2012.
She's going to energize not just "the base", but the entire population of the country that is not an Obama-bot. She's going to tour the country, rallying people for a rebirth of liberty, a re-commitment to the constitutional framework of limited government, and the first step in that process is to put an end to the Obama presidency.
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