Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Wasserman-Schultz Delivers

I said that Republicans should welcome the appointment of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as DNC Chairperson on the military logic that sometimes the greatest asset a fighting force can have is an incompetent general(s) commanding the opposing side. DWS clearly qualifies and her strategic value to conservatives is already starting to accrue.

DWS has let loose a whole string of idiocies, verbal boners, gaffes, and untruths (untruths so bald that even the WaPo can't let it slide) in such a short period of time it is simply astounding. Welcome, but astounding. I was searching for just the right way to describe DWS after all these pronouncements..."gift that keeps on giving" came to mind but that is so hackneyed; but sure enough, leave it to John at Powerline to nail it: DWS "promises to be the Joe Biden of the House of Representatives."


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