Thursday, May 26, 2011

Keep Talking James Clyburn

Seriously, I mean it. Keep saying stuff like this. In fact, please say stuff like this every third day until election day and twice on Sundays. Why? Because it'll help Republicans defeat Obama. Yes.

You see, here's the deal. Most of us aren't racists. We live, work and play among each other and our society has made enormous strides to integrate and share the opportunities of American life for all. Furthermore most of us trace our lineage to groups that represented the marginalized of society long ago ("No Irish Need Apply" and all that); we haven't forgotten where we came from and aren't interested in holding others down now that we've received good fortune in America. So we don't particularly appreciate being called racists when we aren't. In addition, we don't appreciate that particular besmirchment when the accusation comes from those who wish to blunt the cold reality that the President was the most inexperienced nominee for President in the history of the country and that we are suffering at the hands of his demonstrably failed leadership. I can see many Americans saying to themselves, 'So I'm a racist for for not liking what I am seeing with my own eyes - high gas prices, high unemployment, inflation, unrestrained regulatory assaults on individuals and businesses, feckless leadership in foreign affairs? Screw you. Lever pulled for RomlentyCainPalinWhatever.'


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