Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Portugese Parliament: The Tooth Fairy Will Help Us

Portugese legislators seem to feel that money grows on trees and so they voted down a deficit reduction plan (advanced by the Socialist party Prime Minister...yes, European politics is weird) aimed at addressing that country's Greek-like profligacy and civic dysfunction. It was a cynical move by the opposition to bring down the government and get in line for the ever-expanding pan-Euro governmental cheese. Piss-ant losers like Portugal can keep acting as if they don't care about the Euro and continue to flaunt it's rules because they know that Germany, France and the bigger economies are too entrenched in their commitment to the Euro to call their bluff. As long as Germany & Co. let themselves be played for patsies, they will be. The German electorate is no doubt on the lookout for a Scott Walker or Chris Christie-type pol to put an end to the gravy train. The coming upheavals in Europe will make our clash of cultures (government bill payers vs. government check cashers) look like tiddlywinks.

UPDATE: Think I was too hard on Portugal? Read this. Think your average German taxpayer wants to pay to keep these yo-yos on the dole?


Blogger Richard said...

PM Socrates has resigned. The EU is ultimately toast.

12:52 AM  

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