Friday, July 30, 2010

Stupid Is As Stupid Does?

I know, or at least I have heard, that there are smart liberals out there. I don't doubt it, but if enough liberals are indeed smart, shouldn't "liberalism," the accumulated body of ideas and policies that emanate from such people, be intelligent too? Yes, it should, but it isn't. The latest evidence in the ongoing indictment of liberalism as irredeemably silly somes from Spain and Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.

Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero on July 30 announced an “in-depth” reform of his labor policies following new data indicating an increase in unemployment for the second quarter, DPA reported. According to Spain’s National Statistics Institute, the Spanish unemployment rate rose to 20.1 percent — about 4.7 million people — in the second quarter, about 33,000 more people than in the first quarter. The government wants to improve the ability of public employment services to help people find jobs, as well as provide training opportunities for the unemployed, Rodriguez Zapatero said.

Got that? 4.7 million people just aren't doing a good enough job of looking for a job. It's not that those jobs don't exist, it's just a matter of folks being more effective in finding a job. If they did that little extra or certain something, they'd surely be in a job.
Idiot. The JOBS DON"T EXIST! No amount of training or enhanced placement services is going to put people in jobs that don't exist. You have to have a pro-growth economic policy that is favorable to capital so that there are incentives for job-creators to create jobs. You have to compete for jobs by making your country a more attractive place to do business than your neighbors and economic competitors. Zapatero's focus is so foolishly off the mark, but I find it hard to believe that Zapatero, the man, is a fool. So why the disconnect from individual to governing philosophy and policy? Or am I indeed being too charitable to the Spanish PM?


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