I See Now Wherefore Hate Is Bred
Liberals are supposed to be smart, or so they tell us, but then they put on display for all the world to see monumental foolishness like, say, Ezra Klein's ruminating that a home foreclosure process could have spurred Faisal Shahzad to want to blow-up Times Square. (If you really think this you are as dumb as dirt, if want the world to know that you think this, well, you are setting new standards in dumb.) Let's put aside that Shahzad stated he was angry over the US's war on terror. Let's forget for a moment that he trained in bomb-making in Pakistan, known to the be the worldwide nexus of radical Islamist movements, where jihad against the West is fomented and plotted. Let's leave all that be. Let's look at what this man lost that drove him to the brink of homicidal madness. Behold the castle that was ripped so heartlessly from this striving American middle-class king. Just gaze at the quintessential American Dream shattered over the bloated wallet of some fat cat banker.

How heartless a society do we live in that we would tear asunder a man's hopes and dreams of simply setting down on his fold up chair at his empty fiberboard desk to take in the day's events before he retired for the night on his air mattress surrounded by the edifying minimalism of his stark white walls. Cruelty thy name is America! Can you not feel the rage boiling up within you now! You feel it don't you!!! MURDER IS TOO GOOD A FATE FOR THESE DESPICABLE CAPITALIST PIGS!!!!!!!

How heartless a society do we live in that we would tear asunder a man's hopes and dreams of simply setting down on his fold up chair at his empty fiberboard desk to take in the day's events before he retired for the night on his air mattress surrounded by the edifying minimalism of his stark white walls. Cruelty thy name is America! Can you not feel the rage boiling up within you now! You feel it don't you!!! MURDER IS TOO GOOD A FATE FOR THESE DESPICABLE CAPITALIST PIGS!!!!!!!
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