Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Woe Are the Dads

So Tiger slept with his neighbor's 21-year old daughter, and now she's mad that she was "just another conquest" because we all know that multi-centimillionaire athletes never seek out soulless sexual conquests. Then I read about the ladies who bared their breasts in protest of something and then got incensed that men were ogling them.

All of this disturbs me. I have a young son, you see, and some day he is going to come to me asking me to explain women to him. When I take a pass pleading justifiable ignorance, he is going to think I am just like all the other disengaged dads, uninterested or unwilling to take the time to impart the wisdom of the world to him; and, he's going to come to see me just like I viewed my dear old dad when it came to women, a clueless dolt who couldn't be bothered, and who must've gotten married by pure accident. And it won't be another 25 years before maybe, just maybe, he realizes that perhaps I was smarter than I appeared...yikes. Depressing.


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