Thursday, January 21, 2010

El-Erian & Gates Take the Statist Bait

For a guy whose re-election chances hinges on the health of the economy two years out, President Obama is doing a remarkable job of ensuring he is a one term President. Today's proposed bank rules are another awful idea that may seem politically savvy but that ultimately will blow up in his face. Of course, I could be the unsavvy one, maybe he is proposing this counterproductive crap because it plays well to the base but stands no chance of actually passing, so he gets leftist props but does no damage. Fine, but why would he want to be seen as ineffective if his base or the populatin at large really wants this stuff? Odd.

Speaking of bad ideas emanating from the need to bash politically convenient targets, Bill Gates and Mohammed El-Erian (via twitter) fall victim to the type of faux deficit hawkishness that the WSJ warned about a few weeks back. Gates and El-Erian know that the bank tax is a bad idea but they see it as inevitable because the spending is already done and, well golly, now the deficit is a problem. This is exactly what big government liberals had planned - spend like the bejesus, enlarge government beyond the desires of the citizenry and then agree that it has to be paid for and get some deficit hawk dupes to agree to raise taxes even though they know it is a bad idea. That jerk you just felt was Obama "setting the hook" in the likes of Gates and El-Erian. Please someone get the hook out of these guys' mouths before the economy is a filet frying in butter.

The way to measure the size of our government is not via the deficit/surplus but by the amount of spending, and we will never get smaller government if guys like Gates and El-Erian keep falling for this trick. We will have ever-expanding government until somebody says "a bad idea is a bad idea, even if it is politically easy" and forces our politicians to get spending in line with what is coming in, not get what is coming in in line with what they want to spend. Politicians' spending desires are infinite, resources are scarce. The only way to small government is to resist increasing taxes at every turn and force lower spending on the government.

UPDATE: Don't believe me? Check this out.


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