Whose Goons? Schums's Goons?
...before I get started, let me just say, is that title worthy of Suess's Fox In Socks, or what?!?!
Do I just have a fan within the office of the U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms or are Chuck Schumer's jack-booted goons after me AGAIN! Or maybe it is Max Baucus's goons...like I was a big insurance company or something? Who bloody knows. Anyway gentlmen, I have like 20 readers, go pick on Fox News.

Do I just have a fan within the office of the U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms or are Chuck Schumer's jack-booted goons after me AGAIN! Or maybe it is Max Baucus's goons...like I was a big insurance company or something? Who bloody knows. Anyway gentlmen, I have like 20 readers, go pick on Fox News.

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