Giant Game Ball to Tuck, Joins Elmendorf
A few years ago I gave a "game ball" so to speak to the New York Giants player who was most impressive in a key win by placing their picture here next that of a truly great Senator, Dr. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. I let the effort lapse, but I think I am going to revive it, because it is fun and it's my damn blog. (BTW: yesterday's game was my five year-old son's first trip to Giants Stadium to see the G-men. He pronounced the occasion "Awesome!")
The Giants win yesterday was a team win with no obvious standout performances, but I am going give the honor to Justin Tuck for his usual excellent play including a few crucial stops that took what little the wind the Skins could generate out of their sails. While I still greatly admire Coburn, I am going to use this feature to highlight another heroic performance within our nation's sorry government affairs. So Justin, you get to join CBO head Douglas "The Most Honest Man in America" Elmendorf! Congrats Justin, and let's bring the heat next week in Dallas.

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