Monday, June 01, 2009

Our Vastly Unqualified Guy Is Better Than Your Vastly Unqualified Guy

Hey, what's another liberal double standard? Nothing, given they are impervious to the charge because the ends justify the means in their worldview, but it doesn't hurt to chronicle these for benefit of the highly logical race of space aliens that will one day invade.

The MSM, and several real live liberals who I interact with, went into high dudgeon over Neel Kashkari, the relatively green Treasury official put in charge of the TARP program during the despotic Chimpybushhitler dynasty back in year 1 BO (Before Obama). It's a safe bet that no such ire will forthcoming over Obama's relatively greener young grasshopper who's overseeing the GM restructuring. The liberal view of Kashkari: wet behind the ears and part of the evil Goldman Sachs/US Government right wing cabal (yes, all 3 Republicans who have ever worked at Goldman Sachs have taken over the government!). Liberal view of Deese: best and brighest bringing an outsider's perspective to an industry where the insiders failed. Hey, in that case, let's put him in charge of Ford too. Oh, they didn't take any bailout money? Who cares, we won!


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